March 6th, 2024 - Flow FAQ

Flow FAQ

I’ve been speaking publicly about Flow for about a year now. Here are the most common questions I get…

  • Can I get into Flow when I want to or does it just happen accidentally?

  • Can I have big Flow and little Flow?

  • What role does Play have in Flow?

  • Can I get into Flow at work?

  • How can I learn more about Flow?

Can I get into Flow when I want to or does it just happen accidentally?

If you understand the flow cycle, you can schedule activities and create routines that will be conducive to flow!

Can I have big Flow and little Flow?

YES! Olympic gold medals are probably earned in MACROFlow. My readjusting of elements on a slide in a Canva presentation for two hours is probably MIDFlow. And chess with my ten year old on a sunny day at a busy brewery is probably MICROFlow.

What role does Play have in Flow?

A VITAL role! If we consider play at every stage of the cycle, we can really thrive.

Can I get into Flow at work?

The average adult gets into Flow most OFTEN at work!

How can I learn more about Flow?

Read anything Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ever wrote.

Read Mapping Cloud Nine or other books by Steven Kotler

Watch my TEDxManitouSprings talk

Take this self-paced video course (OR workbook only option!)

Sometimes I include questions in these emails to YOU, Acey. Usually one or two folks will respond, so just a reminder that I’m really here on the other end! Squarespace sends them as a batch, but I wrote them and replies come straight to my email inbox just like any other email! I really would like to hear from you.

How do you like to get into flow?

Acey Holmes

Acey Holmes helps companies keep teams happy and attract top quality talent through workplace culture audits, consulting, and facilitation based in the neuroscience of play.

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