Play to Improve Your Day!

Play to Improve Your Day!

Hi there, you, searching for brain breaks with no luck and having to try and modify kids’ GoNoodle exercises for yourself.

Today’s your lucky day… you have found the perfect webpage for brain breaks for adults!

You probably already know that taking a break from your work is essential for your mental and physical well-being and that it can also boost your creativity and productivity. These benefits are all based in the neuroscience of play (this blog and this TEDx talk are good places to start to learn more about that).

This is a small part of the work I do with teams to effect organizational transformation!

You can find more about that here!

Whether you need a short or a long break, whether you want to do it by yourself or with others, whether you like physical or mental activities, we have something for you. So go ahead and explore our webpage, and discover how to give your brain a break in a playful and truly refreshing way! (for more details about play as rest, check out this blog!)

Online Games - (more than just crosswords - this site also has letter games, word games, number games, and even games based on graphics and patterns! Most are free for at least a round or two, then there are options to subscribe. If anyone knows anyone in the NYT games dept, I’d love an introduction so I can talk about offering a discount to my clients and readers!

Tangible Puzzles - a classic jigsaw puzzle or a round of Mondrian Blocks

Other Puzzles - Word puzzles (logic or rebus), number puzzles (like Sudoku), or riddles/codes.

Building Activity - LEGO, toothpicks and straws, tape and popsicle sticks, whatever you have around!

Humor - Tell some jokes! If you don’t know any, ask someone else to tell you a few! Most digital assistants these days even have this capability. Maybe send someone a text or email (personal email!) in code.

Help Someone - pop into a colleague’s office or hop on a zoom and ask them what their current challenge is, then help them brainstorm. This will be especially effective if the challenge/problem is unrelated to your own work.

Paper Airplanes - head to the recycling bin, find a clean sheet of paper and fold it into a paper airplane, then launch it down the hall!

Read or Write - pick up some fiction or create your own!

This site has a list of apps that have brain games with stated intentions of supporting cognition - I have not used any of these, so I cannot vouch for them!

Create - grab some play-doh or clay and shape something new. Set a timer for 20 seconds, think of your favorite animal eating your favorite food and draw it WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED.

Physical Activity… that you ENJOY. The enjoyment aspect is crucial! So many experts and sites are quick to recommend a “walk”, but if you don’t enjoy walking, skip it! Same for yoga - a very common recommendation that a lot of people don’t enjoy.

Find something else that gets you moving your body in a way that is pleasing to you. Put on some music and dance or stretch. Hop on your bike. Have you ever tried a balance board?

If you do enjoy walking sometimes, consider walking to a destination, instead of just in a loop or out-and-back. Having the destination in mind will serve as the purpose your brain needs to get away from whatever it is you’re taking a break from. If it’s safe for you, consider skipping or walking backwards!

Put your legs up a wall, grab a sheet of paper that was going to be recycled anyways, ball it up, then toss that ball between your legs against the wall to bounce back and catch it. See how many times you can throw it without hitting your feet or dropping it.

Play to Improve Your Day!

Play to Improve Your Day!